Bersama, kita bisa mengukir masa depan cerah untuk anak bangsa.
Di Rumah Belajar kami, kami mengadakan kelas rutin sebagai berikut : kelas Pembinaan Karakter, Kelas Bahasa Inggris, Kelas Komputer, Kelas mendesain , Kelas melukis , Kelas Bahasa Itali, Kelas menari, Kelas menyanyi


Yuk ikut Patricia Yora bantu adik-adik Rumah belajar Saab Shares di Dusun Tubin, Jogjakarta.
Di Rumah Belajar kami, kami mengadakan kelas rutin seperti bahasa inggris, pembinaan karakter, kelas literasi, kelas prakarya serta menyediakan program perbaikan gizi


Welcome to Saab Shares

Saab Shares is a non-profit organization which focuses on education, healthcare and women empowerment.


We focus on providing holistic education along with character building in order for our beneficiaries to be financially independent in the future, shaping them into youths of great character.


Besides supporting children with terminal diseases, we hold free medical treatments and improve nutrition intake of underprivileged children.

Women Empowerment

We equip underprivileged mothers with various skill trainings, regular seminars and intensive coaching. Consequently, the mothers will have a source of income, and will raise their family’s standards of living.

About Saab Shares

Sabrina Bensawan


Sabrina Bensawan founded Saab Shares on her 16 th Birthday as an expression of her gratitude.

Elena Bensawan


Elena Bensawan, has been joining her sister hand in hand to build Saab Shares since she was 14 years old.

Saab Shares is a non-profit organization founded by Sabrina Bensawan in 2014, together with her sister Elena Bensawan, when they were 16 and 14 years old.


To get as many underprivileged families out of the cycle of poverty through education, healthcare, economic empowerment & opportunity.

  • E – Excellence
  • I – Integrity
  • A – Adaptivity
  • O - Objectivity

Join Saab Shares

Be a part of #SaabSharesFamily and make a difference.


Kindly contact us to volunteer.